十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
1. 代码
$value) { if(preg_match($cm,$value)){ $nums[] = array("number" => $value, "type" => "中国移动"); }elseif(preg_match($cu,$value)){ $nums[] = array("number" => $value, "type" => "中国联通"); }elseif(preg_match($ct,$value)){ $nums[] = array("number" => $value, "type" => "中国电信"); }else{ // 非法号码 } } $numbers["mobile"] = $nums; // 固定电话或小灵通的获取 $reg='/\D(0\d{10,12})\D/is';//匹配数字的正则表达式 preg_match_all($reg,$newStr,$result); $nums = array(); // * 大陆地区固定电话或小灵通 // * 区号:010,020,021,022,023,024,025,027,028,029 // * 号码:七位或八位 $phs = "/^0(10|2[0-5789]|\d{3})\d{7,8}$/"; foreach ($result[1] as $key => $value) { if(preg_match($phs, $value)){ $nums[] = array("number" => $value, "type" => "固定电话或小灵通"); } else { // 非法 } } $numbers["landline"] = $nums; // 有可能是没有区号的固定电话的获取 $reg='/\D(\d{7,8})\D/is';//匹配数字的正则表达式 preg_match_all($reg,$newStr,$result); $nums = array(); foreach ($result[1] as $key => $value) { $nums[] = array("number" => $value, "type" => "没有区号的固定电话"); } $numbers["possible"] = $nums; // 返回最终数组 return $numbers; } // 测试数据 $str = "this(8625010) is a number, and the another is here(09978625000) ,the phone number is 18064074452 and 13899555555。这是中文,这里有个13239323232的手机号,还有一个188779988441这是12位8613322114455的。这里又是一个手机号86-18064074455。还有一个区号分开写的0997-8625001hahaha"; $nums = findThePhoneNumbers($str); print_r($nums);
2. 测试结果
Array ( [mobile] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [number] => 18064074452 [type] => 中国电信 ) [1] => Array ( [number] => 13899555555 [type] => 中国移动 ) [2] => Array ( [number] => 13239323232 [type] => 中国联通 ) [3] => Array ( [number] => 13322114455 [type] => 中国电信 ) [4] => Array ( [number] => 18064074455 [type] => 中国电信 ) ) [landline] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [number] => 09978625000 [type] => 固定电话或小灵通 ) [1] => Array ( [number] => 09978625001 [type] => 固定电话或小灵通 ) ) [possible] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [number] => 8625010 [type] => 没有区号的固定电话 ) ) )
3. 结果解析
mobile 移动电话号码 landline 固定电话或者小灵通 possible 可能是没有区号的固定电话