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奈奎斯特-香农采样定理告诉我们,为了能捕获人类能听到的声音频率,我们的采样速率必须是人类听觉范围的两倍。人类能听到的声音频率范围大约在20Hz到20000Hz之间,所以在录制音频的时候采样率大多是44100Hz。这是大多数标准MPEG-1 的采样率。44100这个值最初来源于索尼,因为它可以允许音频在修改过的视频设备上以25帧(PAL)或者30帧( NTSC)每秒进行录制,而且也覆盖了专业录音设备的20000Hz带宽。所以当你在选择录音的频率时,选择44100Hz就好了。
public static float sampleRate = 44100; public static int sampleSizeInBits = 16; public static int channels = 2; // double public static boolean signed = true; // Indicates whether the data is signed or unsigned public static boolean bigEndian = true; // Indicates whether the audio data is stored in big-endian or little-endian order public AudioFormat getFormat() { return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, signed, bigEndian); }