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小编给大家分享一下Python Tkinter实现数字猜谜游戏的案例,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大所收获,下面让我们一起去探讨吧!
Tkinter是Python的Tk GUI(图形用户界面)工具包和事实上的标准GUI 的标准接口。GUI使您可以使用大多数操作系统使用的可视项(例如窗口,图标和菜单)与计算机进行交互。这个功能强大的工具可用于构建各种项目,并且使可视化代码更加容易。
在构建游戏之前,我们需要了解Tkinter的一些基础知识。Tkinter软件包是Tk GUI工具包的标准python接口。我们通常使用Tkinter包在应用程序中插入不同的GUI小部件,以使其更加用户友好。如果您在Linux,Windows或Mac上使用Python,则设备上已经安装了Python Tkinter。
Import the Tkinter ModuleCreate Main WindowAdd WidgetsEnter Main Loop
首先,我们将导入tkinter模块。它包含构建应用程序所需的所有功能,类和其他内容。现在,当我们导入模块时,我们需要初始化tkinter。为此,我们创建Tk( )
我们应该只为我们的应用程序创建一个窗口,并且必须在添加任何其他小部件之前创建该窗口。之后,我们使用root.mainloop( )
#import required libraries from tkinter import * # initialize tkinter : root = Tk() # enter the main Loop : root.mainloop()复制代码
现在,我们将简要介绍in out应用程序中需要的一些小部件。请记住,这里我们将以最简单的示例演示该小部件。每个小部件中还有许多可用功能。在开发游戏时,我们会看到其中的一些。
按钮: 按钮小部件用于在我们的应用程序中显示按钮。通常,当我们按下一个按钮时,将有一个与之关联的命令。
# Import required libraries : from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter : root = Tk() # Adding widgets : # Add button : btn = Button(root,text="PRESS ME",command=lambda:press()) # Place button in window : btn.grid(row=0,column=0) # Define the function : def press() lbl = Label(root,text="You Pressed The Button") lbl.grid(row=0,column=1) # Enter the main Loop : root.mainloop()复制代码
# Import required libraries : from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter : root = Tk() # Adding widgets : # Add label : lbl = Label(root,text="This is label") # Place the button on window : lbl.grid(row=0,column=1) # Enter the main Loop : root.mainloop()复制代码
# Import required libraries : from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter : root = Tk() # Adding widgets : # Add canvas : # Create canvas object : c = Canvas(root,bg="3389db",height=250,width-300) # Draw a straight line : line = c.create_line(0,0,50,50) # To fit the line in the window c.pack() # Enter the main loop root.mainloop()复制代码
# Import required libraries : from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter : root = Tk() # Adding widgets : # Add checkbutton : # IntVar() hold integers # Default value is 0 # If checkbox is marked, this will change to 1 checkvar1 = IntVar() checkvar2 = IntVar() # Create checkbutton c1 = Checkbutton(root,text="BMW", variable=checkvar1) c2 = Checkbutton(root,text="Audi",variable=checkbar2) # To fit in the main window c1.grid(row=0,column=0) c2.grid(row=1,column=0) # Enter the main Loop root.mainloop()复制代码
Entry: Entry小部件用于接受用户的单行输入。
# Import required libraries from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter root = Tk() # Adding widgets # Label lbl = Label(root,text="Enter your name:") lbl.grid(row=0,column=0) # Entry e = Entry(root) e.grid(row=0,column=1) # Enter the main Loop root.mainloop()复制代码
# Import required libraries from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter root = Tk() # Adding widgets frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() # Add button on Left A = Button(frame,text="A") A.pack(side = LEFT) # Add button on Right B = Button(frame,text="B") B.pack(side = RIGHT) # Enter the main Loop root.mainloop()复制代码
# Import required libraries from tkinter import * # Initialize tkinter root = Tk() # Adding widgets # Create Listbox : Lb = Listbox(root) # Add items in list Lb.insert(1,"A") Lb.insert(2,"B") Lb.insert(3,"C") Lb.insert(4,"D") # Place listbox on window Lb.grid(row=0,column=0) # Enter the main Loop root.mainloop()复制代码
现在,如果猜测的数字小于随机生成的数字,则我们的程序将显示TOO LOW标签,并且这还将清除输入框,以便用户可以输入新的数字。
如果猜中的数字高于实际数字,则我们的程序将显示TOO HIGH标签,并清除输入框。这样,用户可以继续猜测正确的数字。
如果标签显示TOO HIGH,则用户应该输入比他们猜想的数字低的数字。如果标签显示TOO LOW,则用户应该输入比他们第一次猜测的数字更大的数字。
如果用户想玩新游戏,则必须按下主关闭按钮。如果用户在我们的应用程序中按下“ **关闭”**按钮,则他们将完全退出游戏。
")我们将逐步向您展示如何使用Python tkinter构建上述游戏。
# import required libraies : from tkinter import * # to add widgets import random # to generate a random number import tkinter.font as font # to change properties of font import simpleaudio as sa # to play sound files复制代码
want_to_play = True while want_to_play==True: root = Tk() root.title("Guess The Number!") root.geometry('+100+0') root.configure(bg="#000000") root.resizable(width=False,height=False) root.iconphoto(True,PhotoImage(file="surprise.png"))复制代码
,因此它将使用新生成的数字创建另一个窗口。root = Tk( )
:用于初始化我们的tkinter模块。root.title( )
:我们使用它来设置应用程序的标题。root.geometry( )
:我们使用它来指定我们的应用程序窗口将在哪个位置打开。root.configure( )
:我们使用它来指定应用程序的背景色。root.resizable( )
:在这里我们使用它来防止用户调整主窗口的大小。root.iconphoto( )
# to play sound files start = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Start.wav") one = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Win.wav") two = sa.WaveObjet.from_wave_file("Lose.wav") three = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Draw.wav") start.play()复制代码
文件。首先,我们需要将声音文件加载到对象中。然后我们可以.play( )
# Loading images Check = PhotoImage(file="Check_5.png") High = PhotoImage(file="High_5.png") Low = PhotoImage(file="Low_5.png") Correct = PhotoImage(file="Correct_5.png") Surprise = PhotoImage(file="Surprise.png") your_choice = PhotoImage(file="YOUR_GUESS.png") fingers = PhotoImage(file="fingers.png") close = PhotoImage(file="Close_5.png")复制代码
# generating random number number = random.randint(1,9)复制代码
# using font module to modify fonts myFont = font.Font(family='Helvetica',weight='bold')复制代码
在这里,我们添加了应用程序的前两个小部件。请注意,输入框位于第2行,因为我们在第1行中添加了空格。在这里,我们将在标签中使用图像文件。我们用于.grid( )
# Creating first label label = Label(root,image=your_choice) label.grid(row=0,column=1) # Creating the entry box e1 = Entry(root,bd=5,width=13,bg="9ca1db",justify=CENTER,font=myFont) e1.grid(row=2,column=1)复制代码
# Creating check button : b1 = Button(root,image=Check,command=lambda:show()) b1.grid(row=4,column=3) # Creating close button : b2 = Button(root,image=close,command=lambda:reset()) #Creaating second label : label2 = Label(root,image=fingers) label2.grid(row=6,column=1) #Creating third label : label3 = Label(root,image=Surprise) label3.grid(row=10,column=1) #Creating fourth label : label4= Label(root,text="ATTEMPTS : ",bd=5,width=13,bg="#34e0f2",justify=CENTER,font=myFont) label4.grid(row=12,column=1)复制代码
# to display the correct image num = PhotoImage(file = str(number)+str(".png")) # Set the count to 0 count = 0复制代码
def show(): #Increase the count value as the user presses check button. global count count = count+1 #Get the value entered by user. answer = e1.get() #If the entry value is null the goto reset() function. if answer=="": reset() #Convert it to int for comparision. answer = int(e1.get()) if answer > number: #Play sound file. two.play() #Change the label to Too High. label2.configure(image=High) #Calls all pending idle tasks. root.update_idletasks() #Wait for 1 second. root.after(1000) #Clear the entry. e1.delete(0,"end") #Change the label to the original value. label2.configure(image=fingers) elif answer < number: #Play sound file. two.play() #Change the label to Too Low. label2.configure(image=Low) #Calls all pending idle tasks. root.update_idletasks() #Wait for 1 second. root.after(1000) #Clear the entry. e1.delete(0,"end") #Change the label to the original value. label2.configure(image=fingers) else: #Play sound file. one.play() #Show the CORRECT image. label2.configure(image=Correct) #Show the correct number. label3.configure(image=num) #Show the number of attempts. label4.configure(text="ATTEMPTS : "+str(count))复制代码
# define reset() function def reset(): # Play sound file three.play() # Change the variable to false global want_to_play want_to_play = false # Close the tkinter window root.destroy()复制代码
# Enter the mainLoop root.mainloop()复制代码
#Import required libraries : from tkinter import * import random import tkinter.font as font import simpleaudio as sa want_to_play = True while want_to_play==True: root = Tk() root.title("Guess The Number!") root.geometry('+100+0') root.configure(bg="#000000") root.resizable(width=False,height=False) root.iconphoto(True,PhotoImage(file="surprise.png")) #To play sound files: start = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Start.wav") one = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Win.wav") two = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Lose.wav") three = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("Draw.wav") start.play() #Loading images : Check = PhotoImage(file="Check_5.png") High = PhotoImage(file="High_5.png") Low = PhotoImage(file="Low_5.png") Correct = PhotoImage(file="Correct_5.png") Surprise= PhotoImage(file ="Surprise.png") your_choice = PhotoImage(file="YOUR_GUESS.png") fingers = PhotoImage(file = "Fingers.png") close = PhotoImage(file="Close_5.png") #To have space between rows. root.grid_rowconfigure(1, minsize=30) root.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize=30) root.grid_rowconfigure(5, minsize=30) root.grid_rowconfigure(9, minsize=30) root.grid_rowconfigure(11, minsize=30) #Generating random number : number = random.randint(1,9) #Using font module to modify the fonts : myFont = font.Font(family='Helvetica',weight='bold') #Creating the first label : label = Label(root,image=your_choice) label.grid(row=0,column=1) #Creating the entry box : e1 = Entry(root,bd=5,width=13,bg="#9ca1db",justify=CENTER,font=myFont) e1.grid(row=2,column=1) #Creating check button : b1 = Button(root,image=Check,command=lambda:show()) b1.grid(row=4,column=3) #Creating close button : b2 = Button(root,image=close,command=lambda:reset()) b2.grid(row=4,column=0) #Creaating second label : label2 = Label(root,image=fingers) label2.grid(row=6,column=1) #Creating third label : label3 = Label(root,image=Surprise) label3.grid(row=10,column=1) #Creating fourth label : label4= Label(root,text="ATTEMPTS : ",bd=5,width=13,bg="#34e0f2",justify=CENTER,font=myFont) label4.grid(row=12,column=1) #To display the correct image : num = PhotoImage(file=str(number)+str(".png")) #Set the count to 0. #It stores the attempt value. count = 0 def show(): #Increase the count value as the user presses check button. global count count = count+1 #Get the value entered by user. answer = e1.get() #If the entry value is null the goto reset() function. if answer=="": reset() #Convert it to int for comparision. answer = int(e1.get()) if answer > number: #Play sound file. two.play() #Change the label to Too High. label2.configure(image=High) #Calls all pending idle tasks. root.update_idletasks() #Wait for 1 second. root.after(1000) #Clear the entry. e1.delete(0,"end") #Change the label to the original value. label2.configure(image=fingers) elif answer < number: #Play sound file. two.play() #Change the label to Too Low. label2.configure(image=Low) #Calls all pending idle tasks. root.update_idletasks() #Wait for 1 second. root.after(1000) #Clear the entry. e1.delete(0,"end") #Change the label to the original value. label2.configure(image=fingers) else: #Play sound file. one.play() #Show the CORRECT image. label2.configure(image=Correct) #Show the correct number. label3.configure(image=num) #Show the number of attempts. label4.configure(text="ATTEMPTS : "+str(count)) #Define reset() function : def reset(): #Play the sound file. three.play() #Change the variable to false. global want_to_play want_to_play = False #Close the tkinter window. root.destroy() #Enter the mainloop : root.mainloop()复制代码
看完了这篇文章,相信你对Python Tkinter实现数字猜谜游戏的案例有了一定的了解,想了解更多相关知识,欢迎关注创新互联网站设计公司行业资讯频道,感谢各位的阅读!