十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
Reverse a linked list from position m to n. Do it in-place and in one-pass.
For example: Given 1->2->3->4->5->nullptr, m = 2 and n = 4,
return 1->4->3->2->5->nullptr.
Note: Given m, n satisfy the following condition: 1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ length of list.
typedef struct ListNode { int _var; struct ListNode *_next; ListNode(int var) :_var(var) , _next(NULL) {} }node,*node_p; class Solution { public: node_p ReserveList(node_p &head,int m,int n) { //检查边界条件 if (head == NULL){ printf("List is NULL\n"); return NULL; } if (m<1||n_next; } for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i){ a = a->_next; } for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i){ b = b->_next; } node_p tmp = new node(-1); //a->_next = b->_next; node_p last = a; while (a != b){ if (m == 1) prev = prev->_next; else prev->_next = a->_next; a->_next = tmp->_next; tmp->_next = a; if (m == 1) a = prev; else a = prev->_next; } if (m == 1){ prev = b->_next; b->_next = tmp->_next; tmp->_next = b; last->_next = prev; node_p Newhead = tmp->_next; free(tmp); return Newhead; } prev->_next = b->_next; b->_next = tmp->_next; tmp->_next = b; last->_next = prev->_next; prev->_next = tmp->_next; free(tmp); return head; } };
#pragma once #include#include #include using namespace std; typedef struct ListNode { int _var; ListNode *_next; ListNode(int var) :_var(var) ,_next(NULL) {} }node,*node_p; class Solution { public: node_p reverse_link(node_p &list,int m,int n) { //边界检查 if(list==NULL) return NULL; if(m<1||m>n){ cout<<"parameter error"< _next=list; for(int i=0;i _next; } node_p first=list; for(int i=1;i _next; node_p second=first; for(int i=m;i _next; node_p tmp=first; //核心步骤 while(tmp!=second){ tmp=first->_next; first->_next=tmp->_next; tmp->_next=head->_next; head->_next=tmp; } if(m==1) return head->_next; return list; } };
#include "reverse_linklist.h" using namespace std; int main() { node_p n1 = new node(1); node_p n2 = new node(2); node_p n3 = new node(3); node_p n4 = new node(4); node_p n5 = new node(5); n1->_next = n2; n2->_next = n3; n3->_next = n4; n4->_next = n5; Solution s; node_p newhead=s.reverse_link(n1,3,5); while (newhead != NULL){ node_p tmp = newhead; cout<_var<<" "; newhead = newhead->_next; free(tmp); } cout< 运行结果: