十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队
量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决
Apache Ambari是一种基于Web的工具,支持Apache Hadoop集群的供应、管理和监控。Ambari目前已支持大多数Hadoop组件,包括HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、 Hbase、Zookeper、Sqoop和Hcatalog等。
yum -y install pdsh
cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 ambari slave
ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): #回车 Enter same passphrase again: #回车 Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: 01:f9:c3:e6:e2:cc:46:1c:55:68:c4:2d:2b:eb:77:09 root@localhost.localdomain The key's randomart p_w_picpath is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | .+.+. | | ..* . | | =.o | | o *. | | . *S. | | = E | | * . . . | | * . o | | . . . | +-----------------+ [root@ambari ~]# cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [root@ambari ~]# scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys master:/root/.ssh/ [root@ambari ~]# scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys slave:/root/.ssh/
5.关闭selinux 和防火墙
[root@ambari ~]# wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/2.x/updates/2.0.1/ambari.repo [root@ambari ~]# mv ambari.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@ambari ~]# yum -y install ambari-server #过程比较慢,ambari-server包有80M大小
[root@ambari ~]# ambari-server setup Using python /usr/bin/python2.6 Setup ambari-server Checking SELinux... SELinux status is 'disabled' Customize user account for ambari-server daemon [y/n] (n)? y Enter user account for ambari-server daemon (root): Adjusting ambari-server permissions and ownership... Checking iptables... Checking JDK... [1] Oracle JDK 1.7 [2] Oracle JDK 1.6 [3] - Custom JDK ============================================================================== Enter choice (1): 1 JDK already exists, using /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz Installing JDK to /usr/jdk64/ Successfully installed JDK to /usr/jdk64/ Downloading JCE Policy archive from http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ARTIFACTS/UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip to /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip... 100% Successfully downloaded JCE Policy archive to /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip Installing JCE policy... Completing setup... Configuring database... Enter advanced database configuration [y/n] (n)? y Configuring database... ============================================================================== Choose one of the following options: [1] - PostgreSQL (Embedded) [2] - Oracle [3] - MySQL [4] - PostgreSQL ============================================================================== Enter choice (1): Database name (ambari): Postgres schema (ambari): Username (ambari): Enter Database Password (bigdata): Default properties detected. Using built-in database. Configuring ambari database... Checking PostgreSQL... Running initdb: This may take upto a minute. Initializing database: [ OK ] About to start PostgreSQL Configuring local database... Connecting to local database...done. Configuring PostgreSQL... Restarting PostgreSQL Extracting system views... ..ambari-admin- . Adjusting ambari-server permissions and ownership... Ambari Server 'setup' completed successfully. ###这里由于下载jdk速度过慢。我提前把jdk下载下来放到了/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/目录 [root@ambari ~]# cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/ [root@ambari resources]# mv /root/jdk-7u67-linux-x64.tar.gz .
[root@ambari ~]# ambari-server start Using python /usr/bin/python2.6 Starting ambari-server WARNING: The hostname was not found in the reverse DNS lookup. This may result in incorrect behavior. Please check the DNS setup and fix the issue. Ambari Server running with administrator privileges. Organizing resource files at /var/lib/ambari-server/resources... Server PID at: /var/run/ambari-server/ambari-server.pid Server out at: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.out Server log at: /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log
WARNING: The hostname was not found in the reverse DNS lookup. This may result in incorrect behavior. Please check the DNS setup and fix the issue. ‘ 这个问题是由于没有把主机名已经对应的ip加到/etc/hosts 导致的。
http://ip:8080 默认用户是admin,密码admin